Sunday, February 19, 2012

Internet explorer script error

When trying to configure task scheduler on my mcafee virus scan i get the error notice: keyset does not exist The specific error is 0x80090016 It also says General page initialisation failed. An error has occurred attempting to retrieve task account onfo. You may continue editing task object but will be unable to change task account info. Does anyone have a solution so I can schedule automatic updates for my virus scanner?What's this got to do with Internet Explorer scripting?|||Sorry the original error was: Internet explorer script error. An error has occurred on the csript on this page. Error is: Keyset does not exist Line 719 Char7 after further attempts to schedule antivirus scans on mcafee I got the error notice I first listed in this forum|||

This is a forum for SQL Server Reporting Services, not virus scanners. I think you'll have more luck trying to post your problem at


I have also begun getting this error message and I do not use McAfee, I use Norton 2006. Since I installed it I get this error ?

|||Mcafee not able to sort this problem they suggested this forum but thankyou for your suggestion|||

Try posting your issue to the ASP "Client Side Web Development" forum, which deals with "Client-side programming discussions, including CSS, DHTML, JScript/Javascript, etc".

They may be able to help you out. I'd try including alot more information, though:

what's the error number?|||I have the same problem with Norton and other items in task scheduler. Symantic responds that it is a Windows problem in Task Scheduler. Windows Article ID 246183 responds to this problem, but only applies to Windows 2000. It requires a change in the registry. Look at it and see if it helps.

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