This is a forum for SQL Server Reporting Services, not virus scanners. I think you'll have more luck trying to post your problem at
|||I have also begun getting this error message and I do not use McAfee, I use Norton 2006. Since I installed it I get this error ?
|||Mcafee not able to sort this problem they suggested this forum but thankyou for your suggestion|||Try posting your issue to the ASP "Client Side Web Development" forum, which deals with "Client-side programming discussions, including CSS, DHTML, JScript/Javascript, etc".
They may be able to help you out. I'd try including alot more information, though:
what's the error number?|||I have the same problem with Norton and other items in task scheduler. Symantic responds that it is a Windows problem in Task Scheduler. Windows Article ID 246183 responds to this problem, but only applies to Windows 2000. It requires a change in the registry. Look at it and see if it helps.
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