Sunday, February 19, 2012

Interpreting WaitResource on SysProcesses

I have a blocking issue, running SQL 2000, SP4, on Windows 2003.
The SPID at the head of the blocking chain = 226. SPID 226 has the following
Open_Tran = 2
WaitResource = 40:1:41356
WaitType = 0x0000
cmd = INSERT
The SPID getting blocked = 394. SPID 394 has the following from SYSPROCESSES:
Open_Tran = 2
WaitResource = TAB: 40:514100872
WaitType = 0x0008
cmd = INSERT
LastWaitType = LCK_M_IX
From the above, do I interpret:
The WaitResource on SPID 226 to be [DBID:INDEXID:PAGEID]?
The WaitResource on SPID 394 to be [DBID:OBJECTID]?
If the WaitResource on SPID 394 is [DBID:OBJECTID], is the object in this
case the locked object?
Message posted via anyone want to take a stab at this?
cbrichards wrote:
>I have a blocking issue, running SQL 2000, SP4, on Windows 2003.
>The SPID at the head of the blocking chain = 226. SPID 226 has the following
>Open_Tran = 2
>WaitResource = 40:1:41356
>WaitType = 0x0000
>cmd = INSERT
>LastWaitType = PAGELATCH_SH
>The SPID getting blocked = 394. SPID 394 has the following from SYSPROCESSES:
>Open_Tran = 2
>WaitResource = TAB: 40:514100872
>WaitType = 0x0008
>cmd = INSERT
>LastWaitType = LCK_M_IX
>From the above, do I interpret:
>The WaitResource on SPID 226 to be [DBID:INDEXID:PAGEID]?
>The WaitResource on SPID 394 to be [DBID:OBJECTID]?
>If the WaitResource on SPID 394 is [DBID:OBJECTID], is the object in this
>case the locked object?
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