Friday, March 30, 2012

invisible components

I am not sure why when the packages are run, the components dissapear. The only thing I see is the result in the output.

So there is no visual on the tabs.


Could you provide more information on this. How do they disappear? Are you sure they are not just scrolled away due to your window layout in the debug mode?




Simply, the components (flat file source, ole db source, etc...) disaapear as the package is run. I can only see what is happening in the output window.



arkiboys wrote:

Simply, the components (flat file source, ole db source, etc...) disaapear as the package is run. I can only see what is happening in the output window.


Are you sure they just aren't to the side and that you need to scroll to see them? Look at the scroll bars in the design window and see if they are way off to the side.|||

Yes, I am sure.
There are no scroll bars during the run time.



arkiboys wrote:

Yes, I am sure.
There are no scroll bars during the run time.


Any way you can capture a screen shot and send it to me via my e-mail listed in my profile?|||

Just sent email,



The email address bounced back.

Are you sure it works please?

|||You'll have to remove "_dot_" and replace it with "."|||That looks like the debug "Call Stack" window... Heck, I guess it even says so in the window title.

What happens when you go to "View -> Designer"?|||

You are right.
I did not notice the call stack window title.

Many thanks

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